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ANCESTRY: An Extraordinary Travel Back From Slavery To Royalty

ANCESTRY: An Extraordinary Travel Back From Slavery To Royalty cover image
ANCESTRY: An Extraordinary Travel Back From Slavery To Royalty cover image ANCESTRY: An Extraordinary Travel Back From Slavery To Royalty cover image ANCESTRY: An Extraordinary Travel Back From Slavery To Royalty cover image
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by: Stephanie Adams
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Publication Date: November 20, 2016
Book Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 60
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White

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Book Synopsis
Ancestry research is truly fascinating, especially when it tells a story that society does not fully know. Already aware of my multicultural and mixed heritage, it wasn't until my father gave me his family bible that I was able to discover an entire genealogical history, beyond just one surname and family lore. After combining research from experts and documents, along with detailed DNA results, I was able to successfully create an astounding yet accurately historical family tree for my son, from roots to leaves, filled with an exciting story of genealogy. I hope you will enjoy reading about my deeply involved family history, traveling through my exciting journey back with them in time, "from slavery to royalty", as I encourage others to also be proud of who they are, where they come from, and to consider tracing their own interesting lineage as well.
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