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Be, Do, And Have Attitudes, Affirmations, and Actions That Lead to Uncommon Success

Be, Do, And Have Attitudes, Affirmations, and Actions That Lead to Uncommon Success cover image
Be, Do, And Have Attitudes, Affirmations, and Actions That Lead to Uncommon Success cover image Be, Do, And Have Attitudes, Affirmations, and Actions That Lead to Uncommon Success cover image Be, Do, And Have Attitudes, Affirmations, and Actions That Lead to Uncommon Success cover image
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by: Angelo Rubano
Books with a 5 star rating  (11)
Publication Date: January 14, 2014
Book Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Pages: 316
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White

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Customer Comments

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Ray Wemer
Posted: April 1, 2016
Customer comment 5 star rating
This book is a must have. January 1,2016 i start my third read through. It starts my day off in a positive direction, and helps me focus on good healthy directions. I have given many copies as gifts to bring positive attitudes to others.
Olivia Grzesiak
Posted: April 1, 2016
Customer comment 5 star rating
Health can be as small as beginning your day with positivity and optimism. Be, Do, and Have sets the groundwork for having a healthy mind and life. Dr. Rubano provides readers with tangible means of achieving success while allowing reflection.
Tomang Wang
Posted: April 1, 2016
Customer comment 5 star rating
This book is for everyone! From every walk of life! Whether you are a student to someone that just started their own business. From reading "Be, Do, Have" I've gotten more confident in my everyday life from the everyday teachings from Dr. Rubano's book.
Bladimir Morales
Posted: April 2, 2016
Customer comment 5 star rating
Be, Do,and have not only motivated me it also helped me pave a road to better my self in all aspects of life. This book is a must have for anyone ready to go to the next level in business, relationships, spirituality, ect.
Ingris Aguilar
Posted: April 3, 2016
Customer comment 5 star rating
Be, Do, and Have outlines passeges to start your day in a positive outlook and take on the day! Looking to grow and become better whether spiritual, relationships and/or business you must have!! Great book that helps in all aspect of your life.
Kyle barry
Posted: April 4, 2016
Customer comment 5 star rating
This book was not only a great read but a guide to solidifing my life. Be, Do, and Have paved a foundation for my life, showing me true values and morals that compliments my environment. This is a must have for anyone looking for themselves, or that are looking to expand your perception of yourself. Amazing book!
Posted: April 5, 2016
Customer comment 0 star rating
This book is excellent for creating the mindset necessary for moving yourself forward to where you want to go in life.
Tejvir Chadha
Posted: April 13, 2016
Customer comment 5 star rating
Decisions and choice we make moment by moment daily determine our destiny. This book gives you the tools to cultivate on optimistic mind and to acquire a positive attitude through a deliberate and rational analysis of what’s required to manifest unwavering positive thought patterns. The thoughts and ideas put forth by Dr Rubano allow us to sustain a state of self awareness and overcome negativity. This helps us to be a positive person as God wants us to be.
Tejvir Chadha
Posted: April 13, 2016
Customer comment 5 star rating
Decisions and choice we make moment by moment daily determine our destiny. This book gives you the tools to cultivate on optimistic mind and to acquire a positive attitude through a deliberate and rational analysis of what’s required to manifest unwavering positive thought patterns. The thoughts and ideas put forth by Dr Rubano allow us to sustain a state of self awareness and overcome negativity. This helps us to be a positive person as God wants us to be.
Ray Wemer
Posted: April 13, 2016
Customer comment 5 star rating
This book is a must have. January 1,2016 i start my third read through. It starts my day off in a positive direction, and helps me focus on good healthy directions. I have given many copies as gifts to bring positive attitudes to others.

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