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Beating Worry and Anxiety

Beating Worry and Anxiety cover image
Beating Worry and Anxiety cover image Beating Worry and Anxiety cover image Beating Worry and Anxiety cover image
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by: Rachel Whitehawk Day
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Publication Date: February 20, 2022
Book Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Pages: 83
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White
ISBN: 9781648588105

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Book Synopsis
Change is necessary in order for you to reach your potential. Embrace change and begin to change the way you think, look at life, and its challenges. We were each put on this earth for a purpose and the joy of life is finding that purpose and following through with it. We are what we think about. Our minds are incredibly powerful tools that we can use to either fulfill our dreams or ruin them. You can overcome anxiety and worry and learn a new way of thinking using the information in this book. Stay committed to creating a new mindset and you will achieve it.
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About The Author
Rachel is a CBT Practitioner, professional motivational speaker, Certified Professional Life Coach, Certified Recovery Coach, and a Certified Relationship Facilitator Coach. She is also a former runway model, image consultant and author of life changing curriculum. She has spoken to countless audiences espousing the virtues of self-worth, behavior modification, balanced thinking, stress reduction and goal setting using her unique cognitive patterning method.
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