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Charlie The Dragon

Charlie The Dragon cover image
Charlie The Dragon cover image Charlie The Dragon cover image
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by: Written by Lindsay Brauer Illustrations by Nick Cherre & Lindsay Brauer
Books with a 5 star rating  (1)
Publication Date: June 6, 2012
Book Size: 7.5" x 7.5"
Pages: 34
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Color

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Book Synopsis
Charlie the Dragon is a children's book series that focuses on how to nurture creativity in children and re-discover it in adults. This is the first book of the series. Take an adventure into the magical land where Charlie the Dragon lives. Charlie the Dragon is a fun, whimsical story with vivid imagery and secretly teaches how to nurture the different aspects of creativity.

Stay tuned for Charlie the Adult Dragon available summer of 2012. Charlie the Adult Dragon is intended for the adults in children's lives. The book provides an easy, fun read with stories, ideas how to nurture children's creative minds and helps the adult find their creativity that is lost as we grow older.

Lindsay Brauer holds a Master's of Science in Creativity, Innovation and Leadership, enjoys finger-painting and getting lost in her imagination from time to time.
Customer Comments
Posted: June 7, 2012
Customer comment 5 star rating