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Die and You Die Alone

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Die and You Die Alone cover image Die and You Die Alone cover image Die and You Die Alone cover image
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by: Peter Martin Larney
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Publication Date: December 22, 2015
Book Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Pages: 206
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White

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Book Synopsis
Bart Drake has recently returned from the Korean War and is anxious to make his mark in New York City. When his brother-in-law turns up dead and his sister is nearly murdered, Drake is determined to find the culprits, and is thrust into a world of common criminals, mobsters, beautiful women and the top night spots in town. After narrowly avoiding death several times, Drake discovers that the answers are more surprising than he would have ever imagined!
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About The Author
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Peter Martin Larney was born in Brooklyn, New York in September 1931. He enlisted in the United States Army in 1950, and moved to the USAF and was assigned to the 916th AC&W (Aircraft Control and Warning) squadron as a radar technician. Peter and Frances Neduzak were married in Garson Manitoba Canada in 1956 and moved to Long Island New York to settle on Rhode Island Avenue. They had three children; Peter born June 1960, Kathy born December 1961 and Debbie born September 1963. Peter died of complications from cancer in May 1965. He is buried in St. Charles cemetery on Long Island.