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If That Car Talked: Good Friends and a '67 GTO

If That Car Talked: Good Friends and a
If That Car Talked: Good Friends and a If That Car Talked: Good Friends and a If That Car Talked: Good Friends and a
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by: Colin Hutcherson
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Publication Date: March 3, 2016
Book Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 342
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White
ISBN: 9781424124954

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Book Synopsis
While the subtitle says "good friends" and most of the stories revolve around a 1967 candy apple red GTO, it is also about the authors best friends both then and now. Along with other close friends and family, the exploits and antics of these guys in particular (plus a few others)will keep the reader on an emotional roller-coaster.
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About The Author
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All the stories are true, but most of the names have been changed to protect the not so innocent! It takes place in a small town in southern Virginia. If you ever had a real muscle car, have one now or ever wondered what it was like to drive the fastest car around then this is a must read. Through high school and college, to my career job, that GTO made it through some incredible escapades. The anecdotes will give you the feeling of being right there, watching all unfold. Almost ever page is a guarantee you will smile, laugh, cry, cheer and maybe even say, "I remember doing something like that!'
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