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Kissing Our Children Goodbye

Kissing Our Children Goodbye cover image
Kissing Our Children Goodbye cover image Kissing Our Children Goodbye cover image Kissing Our Children Goodbye cover image
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by: Denise L Graves
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Publication Date: March 11, 2017
Book Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 35
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White

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Book Synopsis
Kissing Our Children Goodbye is a collection of prose that captures the many circumstances where children are in contact with loving and thoughtful people. The stories depict underlying hopes for eternal recognition of love, caring and protection. Even adults who experience painful childhoods will identify with circumstances that separate children from nurturing parent figures. The idea of kissing children is the ritual of reminding each person of belonging in the midst of a world filled with distractions, disappointments and unpredictability. Each of us can find ways to "Kiss" children to confidence, security and success. Enjoy and be reminded of the bliss of being kissed. Peace, Denise
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About The Author
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Denise Graves is a community parent who loves children of hers and other mothers' wombs. She writes of her hopes of providing protection coverage through the vehicle of kisses. As a teacher, healer and pastor, Denise knows that all of humanity benefits from endearments that are uplifting and safe.
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