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Passage Into Fear - PRODUCTION COPY

Passage Into Fear - PRODUCTION COPY cover image
Passage Into Fear - PRODUCTION COPY cover image Passage Into Fear - PRODUCTION COPY cover image Passage Into Fear - PRODUCTION COPY cover image
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by: Charles Carr
Books with a 0 star rating  (0)
Publication Date: August 12, 2023
Book Size: 8.5" x 11"
Pages: 133
Binding: Spiral Bound
Color: Black and White

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Book Synopsis
"Passage Into Fear" relates the story of an English dowager, Mrs. Lillian Merriweather, who boards the train insisting she knows of a sinister plot with vast international repercussions. And then is promptly done in. Other characters include an American heiress on a final fling in Venice before returning home to be unhappily married, pugnacious 6-year-old Ukrainian war orphan, a Member of Parliament and his wife, a Romanian gypsies who have wandered the continent most of their life, a sinister Austrian doctor hiding an immense secret, and a ruthless German countess bent on achieving her evil ends no matter who gets in her way. Kate and Ida join forces to uncover the truth behind Mrs. Merriweather's disappearance, which appears to have its roots in the causes and history of the Great War itself.
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