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Proxy Robotics: To The Moon And Beyond

Proxy Robotics: To The Moon And Beyond cover image
Proxy Robotics: To The Moon And Beyond cover image Proxy Robotics: To The Moon And Beyond cover image
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by: K. Dean Stephens
Books with a 5 star rating  (3)
Publication Date: March 18, 2013
Book Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 151
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White
ISBN: 9780988960817

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Book Synopsis
A delightful introduction to the new field of space exploration via proxy robotics, by inventor K. Dean Stephens. Filled with photos and drawings, the book will take you to a permanent base on the moon - and from there to Mars and other parts of the Solar System. It is the hope of the author that it will inspire new generations of robotics buffs and space enthusiasts. There is little time to lose... the stars are calling!
Customer Comments
Robert Postlethwaite
Posted: April 3, 2013
Customer comment 5 star rating
We seem to be on the verge of a new chapter in space exploration. Evidence of this is the serious private funding being provided for such an enterprise by the likes of Google's executives Larry Page and Eric Schmidt. They are financing one company, Planetary Resources, planning to launch missions to asteroids to mine the precious minerals contained therein. I think Stephens can be counted as a kindred spirit, offering a new model for space exploration and ways to more fully explore environs hostile to the fragile human frame. I enjoyed this book, and the enthusiasm the author conveys for his subject. And I appreciated being gently drawn into the scenarios open to us in the future, and Stephens' lay, and engaging, explanations of how a complex technology like proxy robotics, operates. Stephens expanded my thinking really from the traditional model of robots to this new and exciting genre.
Kurt Hein
Posted: April 16, 2013
Customer comment 5 star rating
Dr. Stephens opens up a whole new realm of possibilities for this space-exploration novice. Like Stephens, I have enjoyed following mankinds' evolving research and third-"person" ventures into our great unknown neighborhood.
Kurt Hein
Posted: July 27, 2014
Customer comment 5 star rating
In this unique book, Dr. Stephens proposes that a human-controlled robot could be used instead of people to undertake a variety of difficult jobs. He describes how such a robot, complete with arms, legs, hands, and feet, could be a variety of sizes, from small to very large. He explains how the robot could enter sites where access may be very difficult for individuals or work crews. For example, it could perform difficult and high-risk tasks, such as firefighting, underwater repairs, and hostage negotiation. It could serve as a security guard. It also could perform intricate tasks like dentistry or computer repair.

“Proxy robotics invention includes space exploration with human proxy robots,
proxy robots remote environment simulator for their human handlers, real-time
approximation for robotic space exploration, and remote reconnaissance
for space exploration.”

What needs to be found now is a creative, highly motivated individual or team to design and produce such a marvelous tool!
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