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Shape-shifting My Way Home: A Life in Foster Care

Shape-shifting My Way Home: A Life in Foster Care cover image
Shape-shifting My Way Home: A Life in Foster Care cover image Shape-shifting My Way Home: A Life in Foster Care cover image Shape-shifting My Way Home: A Life in Foster Care cover image
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by: Theresa C. Miller
Books with a 5 star rating  (14)
Publication Date: January 9, 2019
Book Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 315
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White
ISBN: 9780578436326

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Book Synopsis
In Theresa Miller's remarkable memoir of how to survive in the foster care system - and in the process become whole - when the ground keeps shifting, is a story not only of redemption but of resiliency and clear insight.

Miller offers the evidence of a way through foster care - by reading books and telling stories about the events of one's life as they occur, by reframing one's stories and putting them in the context of the great children's stories, the Grimm Brothers Tales. Despite pain and anguish of parental neglect and mental illness, despite the unending number of homes and families Miller was asked to "fit" into, Miller chronicles what saved her, what brought her - not quite unscathed but whole - through the forest of goblins that was - and sometimes still is - the foster care system.

Few books on foster care tell a story that ends in WOW!
Customer Comments

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Diane Coffelt
Posted: March 3, 2019
Customer comment 5 star rating
Ms. Miller's story is poignant and heart-wrenching, told genuinely and honestly, primarily from the perspective of a child to a young adult. The reader "lives through" each childhood experience with the author while at the same time joyfully partakes in her perseverance and resiliency to, again and again, rise above the negativity she so often faced. An enlightening tale which leaves the reader with a message of both positivity and encouragement in knowing that even the worst obstacles in life can be willfully overcome.
Millie Pigman
Posted: April 12, 2019
Customer comment 5 star rating
I know Ms Miller personally and lived through the adolescent and teen years with her. I am so proud of all that she has accomplished and highly recommend that you read her story. You won't regret it.
Posted: April 25, 2019
Customer comment 5 star rating
This book is a gem! I know Tari and have many memories of her and growing up in Norwalk, Ohio. Though our childhood experiences are different, there is a common thread in this narrative. We were distantly related through marriage; her Aunt Ida was my paternal grandfather's sister. Tari is a gifted writer and deftly takes one with her through her story. It touches the heart and gives hope to the lost souls in the world. Read it and celebrate the life of a very special woman.
Posted: May 1, 2019
Customer comment 5 star rating
Excellent writing- a description about life’s journey that EVERYONE should read!
Posted: May 1, 2019
Customer comment 5 star rating
Excellent writing- a description about life’s journey that EVERYONE should read!
Posted: May 1, 2019
Customer comment 5 star rating
Excellent writing- a description about life’s journey that EVERYONE should read!
Posted: May 1, 2019
Customer comment 5 star rating
An EXCELLENT read ! A description about life's journey that EVERYONE should read.
Jennifer Rospert
Posted: May 1, 2019
Customer comment 5 star rating
An EXCELLENT read ! A description about life's journey that EVERYONE should read.
Posted: May 1, 2019
Customer comment 5 star rating
An EXCELLENT read ! A description about life's journey that EVERYONE should read.
Janet Garlikov
Posted: May 1, 2019
Customer comment 5 star rating
A good read on how the foster care system effected one girl....and now, a women who gave back to our society.

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