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So, You Wanna Write a Book

So, You Wanna Write a Book  cover image
So, You Wanna Write a Book  cover image So, You Wanna Write a Book  cover image So, You Wanna Write a Book  cover image
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by: Cherisse Cannon
Books with a 0 star rating  (0)
Publication Date: January 22, 2023
Book Size: 8.5" x 11"
Pages: 83
Binding: Spiral Bound
Color: Black and White
ISBN: 9798218143268

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Book Synopsis
Cherisse has always been a writer but published her first book in 2018. Since then she has gone on to write and self publish 9 books on her own. As she grew in her knowledge of the traditional and self publishing industry she strived to help others get their books out into the world. After seeing that many first time authors were stuck at the planning stages of their book that they never finished she knew that this was another way to help writers.

The “So You Wanna Write a Book” planner was designed to help writers organize their ideas and create a blueprint to ultimately build their book and publish it. The planner includes a small section that breaks down how to organize a story and gives tips on how to self publish although the manner in which the writer chooses to do it is completely up to them. The back of the planner includes pages to plan each chapter and should be used as a guide once the writer begins to type up their book in any word processor.

Cherisse believes that just
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