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So you want to be a union leader?

So you want to be a union leader? cover image
So you want to be a union leader? cover image So you want to be a union leader? cover image So you want to be a union leader? cover image
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by: Paul Betzler
Books with a 5 star rating  (3)
Publication Date: July 16, 2022
Book Size: 5" x 8"
Pages: 155
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White
ISBN: 9798885674126

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Book Synopsis
So you want to lead your union? Developing a plan to leading and navigating the hurdles of your membership and your union. Offering practical examples of real experiences during a twenty five year career representing from the shop floor to a mid level elected position. Navigating the politics of your members, and other elected officials in a large amalgamated union. Self-help for those interested in union leadership or those desiring a better understanding of the inner workings of a union local.
Customer Comments
Posted: July 25, 2022
Customer comment 5 star rating
This is a very insightful look into industrial union politics and representation skills.
As a former union shop steward, I would highly recommend this book to anyone working in an industrial setting.
Managers, HR employees, and union members would all benefit from the experiences documented in this publication.
Posted: July 27, 2022
Customer comment 5 star rating
Fantastic read for the person who is new to representing.
Posted: March 17, 2023
Customer comment 5 star rating
Terrific inside look at union representation. I appreciated the candid stories of situations that went on with employees and employers.
About The Author
Paul Betzler was first elected as a shop steward at 20 years old. Resigning at retirement after holding postions within an amalgamated local representing hundreds of hard working folks for over 25 years. This book gives a glimpse into the reality of union leadership and unionism as a brotherhood.