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The 1776 Report

The 1776 Report cover image
The 1776 Report cover image The 1776 Report cover image The 1776 Report cover image
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by: The President's Advisory 1776 Commission
Books with a 5 star rating  (3)
Publication Date: January 20, 2021
Book Size: 8.5" x 11"
Pages: 45
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Color

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Book Synopsis
President Trump’s Advisory 1776 Commission released its 1776 Report on Monday January 18, 2021.
"In the course of human events there have always been those who deny or reject human freedom, but Americans will never falter in defending the fundamental truths of human liberty proclaimed on July 4, 1776. We will—we must—always hold these truths. The declared purpose of the President’s Advisory 1776 Commission is to “enable a rising generation to
understand the history and principles of the founding of the United States in 1776 and to strive to form a more perfect Union.” This requires a restoration of American education, which can only be grounded on a history of those principles that is “accurate, honest, unifying, inspiring, and ennobling.” And a rediscovery of our shared identity rooted in our founding principles is the path to a renewed American unity and a confident America."
Customer Comments
Kim Waldele
Posted: January 22, 2021
Customer comment 5 star rating
This is amazing. Can't wait to read it. Thank you!
Kim Waldele
Posted: January 22, 2021
Customer comment 5 star rating
This is amazing. Can't wait to read it. Thank you!
Nathan Bryan
Posted: January 27, 2021
Customer comment 0 star rating
I bought 5 just so I will know I will always have a copy because I just know that there will be a movement to make this version of history dissapear. The truth doesnt fit the Narative of the people currently trying to destroy what America stands for and eleiminate Americas ability as a superpower. I want my kids to read this some day and decide for themselves what the true history of America is and not just a censored version of America.