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The Evolution of Blacq

The Evolution of Blacq  cover image
The Evolution of Blacq  cover image The Evolution of Blacq  cover image The Evolution of Blacq  cover image
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by: Ms. Blacq
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Publication Date: May 29, 2021
Book Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Pages: 591
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White
ISBN: 9781637909409

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Book Synopsis
The Evolution of Blacq ~ The Thoroughbred Memiors is the fourth part to an autobiography series of a dark skinned black girl that lived through the 80's Crack Epidemic, and survived the 90's suffering from severe depression and Hood PTSD.

This book contains detailed flash blacks on the the first three parts for it's new readers. Journy through her isuues with sexuality, colorism, racism, moletation, rap, spirituality, intuition and the path of Voodoo.

This journey will leave you speechless and teach you a lot abot the balancing of light and dark, life and death!
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