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The Ten Commandments Explained (Perfect Bind)

The Ten Commandments Explained (Perfect Bind) cover image
The Ten Commandments Explained (Perfect Bind) cover image The Ten Commandments Explained (Perfect Bind) cover image
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by: Andrew Salinas
Books with a 0 star rating  (0)
Publication Date: August 9, 2012
Book Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Pages: 108
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White
ISBN: 9781478392972

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Book Synopsis
With an excitement to know and teach the truth of God's word
Ten Commandments Explained will be a tool to help you learn
and retain God's word. In the first few pages we have developed
a series of hand signals to make it easy and fun to learn the ten
commandments in order.
You will then find a breakdown of each commandment that gives
scripture reference to help anyone understand what each one
means and how it applies to us today.
Reverend Andrew & Sis Tammy Salinas have been involved in
teaching adults and children for over twenty years.
One philosophy is to use total involvement. Getting everyone
involved is a key element in learning. By using hands, feet,
mouth, and movement we convey messages that will be easy to
remember. Have fun learning God's word, and teach it to
everyone you know....
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