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Where the Boo-Boos Live

Where the Boo-Boos Live cover image
Where the Boo-Boos Live cover image Where the Boo-Boos Live cover image Where the Boo-Boos Live cover image
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by: Arlie Fauver
Books with a 4 star rating  (2)
Publication Date: July 25, 2014
Book Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 116
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White
ISBN: 9781633181465

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Book Synopsis
Deer. Bears. Boo-Boos. And a big brown dawg.

Fifty years after the original manuscript was typed, this memoir of life in the old Oneida Post Office in Washington state finally comes to light, with all the humor, zest for life and love of animals that Arlie Fauver brought with her to Oneida in the early 1950s.
“Who in the hell would buy that place?” was Arlie’s first reaction to the ramshackle old building that would later become her family’s home – a home full of fun, friends and laughter; heartache, loss and trouble; and critters of all descriptions.
When it came time to leave Oneida, the only way to keep it in her heart was to write it all down, and these are the resulting tales – of an attic full of bats, accidental elk hunting, a cornflake-loving deer, the best big brown dawg that ever lived - and the boo-boos themselves, who turned a neglected old post office into the heart and soul of a small community along the shores of Deep River.
Customer Comments
Tony Stack
Posted: July 26, 2014
Customer comment 5 star rating
This book is humorous,but will make your eyes moist.It speaks of a world that has now gone. It is a book about a unique woman that loves animals; enough to take a deer called Bucky into her home and treat it like a person and a friend. The book piqued my curiosity as the events unfolded and I could not put it down. A warm, entertaining book that I will not forget.
Posted: August 17, 2014
Customer comment 4 star rating
I really enjoyed this book. It was funny and interesting, and I like the history of the area too. I laughed at the green paint episode and worried when Brown Dawg was lost. All the cleaning and critters disturbed during the move into the house was enough to give someone nightmares, but was handled with great calm, acceptance and laughter. The short tales are easy and quick to read, but you definitely get the feel for the fun the family had, and the work that went into maintaining an 'off the road' home.

Pam R