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Conspiracies on page 4

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The Tapestry of Thought: Unraveling Theories Joshua Douthett
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Size: 4.25" x 6.87"
Binding: Perfect Bound
The Tatum Chronicles Gene "Chip" Tatum
Books with a 0 star rating(1)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781980922681
George H.W. Bush, William Barr, Robert S. Mueller, Ollie North, the CIA, and many others have a list of dark secrets in common. The Tatum Chronicles bring there secrets to light. Here yu will find players like Barry seal, George H.W. Bush, William Barr, Robert Mueller, Manuel Noriega, the CIA, the DEA and many other conspirators in the drug Trade revealed.
ToPOTUS David R. Myrland
Books with a 0 star rating(1)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781946634498
To President of the United States (“POTUS”) ToPOTUS - In January of 2009 the new President got a criminal complaint about the IRS. In January of 2017 the new President received a criminal complaint about the IRS. In the spirit of the ‘draining the swamp’ and the ‘rule of law’ campaign Mr. Trump and Senator Jeff Sessions claim to be on, why give the IRS a pass? Briefed issues already proven to be profoundly difficult for the government to disprove were briefed again and this criminal complaint was overnighted to the White House on January 19, 2017 for delivery on Inauguration Day. Mr. Trump’s predecessor’s prior knowledge, and that of his two successive AGs and the IRS Commissioner, canno ...
Unknown Down Jack Roth
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Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781682737378
On the night of March 31, 1967, a series of strange events occurred in South Florida involving several unidentified flying objects, U.S. and Cuban military personnel, and hundreds of civilian witnesses. Bill Schroeder, a young Army fire control operator at B Battery HAWK missile site in Key West, tracked several objects on radar traveling at impossible speeds. These “bogeys” evaded both U.S. and Cuban fighter jets scrambled to intercept them. Even more disturbing, the UFOs emitted an electromagnetic countermeasure that disabled B Battery’s electronic surveillance and destroyed one of the Cuban MiG-21s. Unknown Down shines a light on Schroeder’s experience and includes other witness accou ...
Who Shot John F Kennedy? Bob Alexander
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Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Here is a look at the JFK Assassination from a biblical standpoint. It will put everything in its proper context and then tell you who REALLY was behind it.
witch planner 2023 2024 Sara Bengoa Rocandio
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
This book will change your. It will cause you to think objectively concerning everything that you thought you knew to be true about this life. It will also inspire you to embark on a personal path of enlightenment, and mental freedom.

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