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Business & Money > Management & Leadership

Self Talk, Think Like A Child Dean Akers
Books with a 5 star rating(1)
Size: 5.83" x 8.26"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Dean has been a CEO that has grown many businesses and helped others by teaching empowerment and the skills of working ON their business, not IN their business. His diversity of business experiences has allowed him to come to a conclusion that "All businesses are the same". His self- proclaimed best attribute in business is "I think like a child". This means he has very few filters and can eliminate the self talk that hurts so many other business leaders. He has become a master at uncovering the obvious. This is what lead to the inspiration to share his journey by writing this book.
The Narrative Vol.1 Corey Thorpe
Books with a 5 star rating(5)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781645504870
The Narrative Vol.1 was created to offer a thought-provoking concise understanding that will hopefully impose a mental self-examination, ultimately including self-knowledge, and in kind inciting an authentic sense of self-awareness. There are no identical experiences between any two persons. For even a shared identical circumstance will result in varied experiences. For every circumstance in life (positive or negative) is a unique personal experience. Every moment being unique to the individual, perceptually, emotionally, spiritually; in time and space, tailored for an individual. The way that we view life and learn from your experiences is based off of our perception. Thus ...
Upselling Retail Peter Osselaer
Books with a 5 star rating(2)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781644674499
Imagine deploying a sales force of empathetic, active-listening problem solvers that are motivated to upsell their way to record-shattering sales numbers. Upselling Retail brings Peter's record-shattering principles and techniques to selling with incredible profitability; while driving the customer first initiative today's companies need to dominate the competition. Delivering breakthrough training tools that not only keep brick-and-mortar business relevant in today's growing digital market, but its applications can be easily integrated into E-commerce platforms and beyond. Upselling Retail is truly a game-changing text for the retail sales industry.