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Science & Nature > Physics

Conscious Abilities Baker Jacinto & Deidra Rae
Books with a 5 star rating(1)
Size: 5.06" x 7.81"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798648731974
The knowledge [they] have kept hidden from you. Quantum Physics has proven it. Imagine combining "The Secret," with Religion, Spirituality, Quantum Physics, and the wisdom of Ancient Teachers; and with Human Physiology. A journey through the self. The authors created an amazingly brilliant guide to get you through your mind, heart, and soul. Whether you have traveled through the world of self-guided help and enlightenment before, or you are brand new in this journey, this book is everything you need. It takes an epic and legendary approach; gently and candidly leads you through without judgment. It explains the science behind what the ancients knew, in a simple and logical easy-to-und ...