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Science Fiction > Social Science Fiction

A Wilderness of Forking Paths Tony Arnold
Books with a 4 star rating(2)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
"A Wilderness of Forking Paths" is the antipodal companion to the previous Whisanant Mythos volume, "A Wild Hunt." Absent a moral/philosophical wilderness guide such as "A Wild Hunt," "...Forking Paths" illustrates the tragic potential lying in wait for each of us in the form of traps along life's wandering pathways. Utilizing Artificial Intelligence images extracted from a parallel reality regarding our subject's twin doppelganger there, this book uses the Temple of Scientonomy's computer network to translate those images into a storyline depicting an altogether different outcome for the parallel Dixie Whiz! Printed on glossy stock, featuring over 75 original full-color plates. Volu ...
Dialeson; or, The Post-Modern Prometheus Rick Arnold
Books with a 4 star rating(5)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798885675031
"Thrilling, funny, and just a bit creepy…” -Editor Pat Sherman “An episodic journey following the lives of several strangers and some old friends put into mortal peril. Raw and surreal. Will read again.” -Reviewer Tom J. Follow the story of Colin the alchemist, Jack the detective, and the mysterious Magician as their paths become intrinsically intertwined. A real, novel story using SF-style storytelling mixed with modern-day fantasy, describing the struggles of several beautiful people faced with the classic prospect of an impending Judgement Day. What is real? What is fake? That’s usually up to the reader to decide.
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