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Fine Arts

Iconoclast Sharee Anne Gorman (annienomad)
Books with a 5 star rating(2)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798885676892
Iconoclast is a collection of new and older poems by Los Angeles area artist Sharee Anne Gorman (annienomad). In this collection, her fourth to date, she shares her journey from social misfit and traumatized youth hiding in plain sight to social critic and political skeptic. Some of the heuristics she has developed along this journey are keys she uses to keep her hand on the inside of the reality maze. Here are a few of those heuristics: * If you know their name, they're a figurehead. * Everything is looting...and lies to cover looting. * If you're seeing's because they want you to see it. * The revolution will be scripted.
Books with a 5 star rating(1)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
OPEN THE GATES of your mind and welcome the new found talent Toaine Unique a genetic mixture of street fighter and street survivor, straight out of the wicked realms of Newark, New Jersey he presents POETRY UNTAMED.Close your eyes and let your conscious free, fly through the pages and join the world as they vouch for thee.He is the opinion that defies conformity; he expresses what he feels to be divine.His poetry flows like raw emotion and proceeds to spark the vivid in your imagination.POETRY UNTAMED is a book of limitless concepts fused with real life experiences dipped in a glaze of imaginary format.You’ve come this far, knock; your welcome look at the doormat.Inspired by Untamed poet ...
Prog Porn: The Graphic Art of Art Rock Tony Arnold
Books with a 5 star rating(3)
Size: 8.25" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
The invention of the illustrated music sleeve is credited to Alex Steinweiss, who began submitting fanciful, imaginative renderings to grace the cardboard music "albums" of the 1940s, which contained multiple discs. This quickly became the industry standard as sales followed the art, and by the 1950s jazz and exotica acts had pushed the envelope even further toward abstract, improvisational images customized to grace the musical experimentation within. The 1960s introduced psychedelia, but it was the virtuoso Progressive Rock acts of the 1970s that truly exploited commercial sleeve imagery to a cosmic extreme. "Prog Porn" traces the curve of that trend, along with a few landmarks whic ...
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