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Fantasy > Science Fantasy

The Dwellers Alyssa Cassese
Books with a 4 star rating(89)
Size: 5.25" x 8"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781633187481
When Ashton Dweller is born, people are drawn to him like moths to a flame. They obey his every command, and even before he can talk; controlling minds is as easy as breathing. When Ashton Dweller is 14 years old, he loses his parents in a fatal car accident, after they are hit by a drunk driver, and is sent to live with his abusive uncle in Lawndale, California, leaving behind everything he ever knew, including his best friend. When Ashton Dweller is 18 years old, his life changes forever, and he questions everything he has ever known. When he finds out that his parents were not killed by a drunk driver but committed suicide, he dedicates his life to fin ...
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