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Humor > Religion

Hackyu Won Too Free Denis Howarth
Books with a 5 star rating(2)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9780993710100
A lengthy book, and pleasant to hold in the hand. What is inside it? Hmm ... stanzas, each in the seventeen syllable form of a haiku: yet constituting informative writing in clear and simple prose (like this description you are reading, which is in the same stanza form). What is it about? The cover says: satire on life and religion. Is it funny, then? Sometimes, and sometimes a good deal worse than funny. There are passages, a few, that bring you up short. What were you thinking? About what you met in your life, and what you thought you think about God. (You know, that God, the most hilarious being in the universe.) The book is built of brief discourses, that seem like s ...